Thursday, October 25, 2018

paranormal experience of the family

I have never had a paranormal experience, but a few of my family members have. Once in my grandma's house, she heard someone going downstairs, and right before a little baby toy, in the living room -that sounds when you pull the string in the lower part of it- began to sound, without anyone around that could have make it sound. After that, in the night, my grandad saw a weird specter with white clothes that he associates to me, passing across his room. Apparently in the house, a long time ago after my grandparents bought the house, there was a little girl living there who was very kind, but also was sick, and died of cancer, which to them explains why there was a presence, a good one. But that wasn’t all, my great grandmother who has senile dementia feels and sees something when my grandma was feeding her in the living room, because she says “who is she” my grandma asks “who” and she replied “the girl who is laughing” and right on she pointed with her finger to one empty chair on the table.


  1. Im a glad that she was a good presence. An angel.

  2. I´ve nerver had a paranormal experience too!! but If I see something strange like a specter, probably I will die for the scare :((

  3. maybe it was you in another dimension

  4. Omg "who is she" "the girl who is laughing".I was afraid to read that.
